Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Weblogic Spring Java Hibernate Power Team Available now to Blitz your project!

I have access to a very capable team based here in a office in
Docklands, Central London.

The Weblogic Gurus Development Team are now avaiable for invitations for
new development projects
after successful completion of a major security referencing project.

The Weblogic Guru's development team can take your J2EE project and use
Spring & Hibernate and develop your project coding requirements quickly
productively and to high standards.

Benefits are:

Reduced costs

Experienced Team with proven track record

Well connected with industry experts

Short development Times

Re-Use of existing spring objects

Banking Experience & Best of Breed Technologies

And lastly of course Backed by the Weblogic Guru's certified quality
assurance guarantee.

Please drop me a email at

Monday, 29 December 2008

Spring & Hibernate Increase Development Productivity by 30%

Yes its a fact, utilising these tools within your development framework and procesess
will improve productivity in your development project.

Sunday, 28 December 2008

UK's Largest Payment Processing Company Migrates to Weblogic

Voca ( BACS ), UK's largest payment runs Weblogic

Voca process money transactions they have built a successful system based on weblogic
and migrated from old IBM AIX & Tandem / Mainframe Systems (taking up masses of space in North West london) over to Newly Architected Web Infrastructure and 100% Java solution what is a increasingly complex business with tight SLA's and huge responsiblity
including meeting standards inposed by Bank of England, their system comprises:

BEA Weblogic 9.2

JDK 1.4 / J2EE 1.4



Oracle 10 RAC

Oracle AQS

Deliverables Successes :

80 Million + Transactions / Day

100% Data Integrity ( Never lost any data )

Power to handle 100 Million Transactions in under 4 Hours ( to meet tight SLA's)

The messaging of transactions utilised totally new solution of 'competing consumers' and overcome the challenge of existing BEA messaging by utilising Oracle AQS message Queing, Local Transactions now this is all part of BEA Weblogic since the merger with Oracle Corporation.

Watch the full video presentation of how they done it here:

Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Weblogic Portal 10.2 (WLP 10.2)

Has finally arrived and what a fantastic package it is,
Bea have adopted unifying open standards compatiblity with 10.2 and
can confidently say yes to web 2.0 and many of the technologies in
previous version.

Including Xtreme Progamming, Agile methods, Service Orientated
Architecture, compatibiliy with
Eclipse via Workspace Studio, JSF, Spring , Struts , WYSIWIG, and Web
Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP)
WSRP is a interesting one allowing .NET Apps to run well in WLP. Mashups
is something you will hear more of and this is
the ability to re-use something that is already published to a web site
or portal in your new portal but rather than having to re-create the wheel
you just adopt in your new portal using WYSIWIG and mashup feature.
SSO - single sign on although not new in WLP has matured in this
version to something rather more usable (rather than just a fudge in
together in previous versions), improved deployment mechanism (zero
downtime ) make this a must have version of WLP.

I am now taking on migration work to the new version and I recommend
users of previous versions to get in touch if this is something your
looking to move towards.

Sunday, 21 December 2008

Weblogic Portal 10.2

Has finally arrived and what a fantastic package it is,
Bea have adopted unifying open standards compatiblity with 10.2 and
can confidently say yes to web 2.0 and many of the technologies in
previous version.

Including Xtreme Progamming, Agile methods, Service Orientated
Architecture, compatibiliy with
Eclipse via Workspace Studio, JSF, Spring , Struts , WYSIWIG, and Web
Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP)
WSRP is a interesting one allowing .NET Apps to run well in WLP. Mashups
is something you will hear more of and this is
the ability to re-use something that is already published to a web site
or portal in your new portal but rather than having to re-create the wheel
you just adopt in your new portal using WYSIWIG and mashup feature.
SSO - single sign on although not new in WLP has matured in this
version to something rather more usable (rather than just a fudge in
together in previous versions), improved deployment mechanism (zero
downtime ) make this a must have version of WLP.

I am now taking on migration work to the new version and I recommend
users of previous versions to get in touch if this is something your
looking to move towards.

goodbye BEA.Com hello OTN

As of 5 December 2008 website is no longer being updated,
instead for the latest weblogic info you will need to be a subscriber to
oracles Oracle Technology Network ( OTN ).
As you may well know, this is going to ruffle a few feathers in the
weblogic circle. However Oracle have had reign of BEA for over 6 months
and have slowly adopted the approach to integrating into their core.